On December 31, 2024, the Canadian Professional Sales Association filed an assignment in bankruptcy. The Fuller Landau Group Inc. was named as Licensed Insolvency Trustee. As previously advised to you, member benefits will continue until December 31, 2025. Should you have any questions regarding the bankruptcy please email Natalie Phillips at nphillips@fullerllp.com.


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Sales Success Playbook

The business world continues to advance. Consumers change. Economic stability fluctuates. New competitors emerge. Responding to change is never easy, but as a sales manager you are uniquely positioned to empower your team to maneuver these challenges and achieve the highest levels of success year after year. 

The member-exclusive CPSA Sales Success Playbook provides you with a sales strategy calendar to help you coach, plan, measure and motivate sales teams, and provide sales professionals with actionable day-to-day activities to accelerate performance.

Benefit from monthly challenges to help take you or your team to new heights, advice on how to get there and warnings of the potential pitfalls along the path to the top.