On December 31, 2024, the Canadian Professional Sales Association filed an assignment in bankruptcy. The Fuller Landau Group Inc. was named as Licensed Insolvency Trustee. As previously advised to you, member benefits will continue until December 31, 2025. Should you have any questions regarding the bankruptcy please email Natalie Phillips at nphillips@fullerllp.com.


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Meeting in a Box - High-Powered Sales Planning, Week 1: Prep for Success

Sales professionals have a unique aspect to their job- they have the ability to decide what to do every moment of every day. The need to make various decisions on: where to go, who to see and who to call. This distinguishes the sales profession from most others

One of the ways to ensure that you make effective decisions about your selling time is to have a comprehensive sales plan.

Our new Meeting in a Box Series, on “High-Powered Sales Planning” contains three 15- minute presentations for your sales team to plan their best quarter yet.

What goes into planning out a successful week for your sales job? In the first meeting in a box of the “high-powered sales planning” meeting in a box, we offer four factors to consider for your sales plan when looking to create a productive sales week ahead.