The current state of the world can impact us all personally and professionally. It is fundamentally changing the way we as sales professionals work, as well as the kind of support our sales teams, clients and peers need from us.
During this time, it is vital that sales professionals have strategies and tactics that help them to remain positive and focused. Our mindset can impact how we think and feel and ultimately our results.
Working through some resilience strategies that will help us build the confidence and stay on track with our goals is so important. What is your daily routine and how do you build in some strategies to help you deal with the added pressures and challenges of this uncertain time?
Watch our webinar with Sales Coach and Owner of Inspiring You, Nancy Dewar, M.Ed, PCC as we discuss how to;
- Understand how our mindset and current level of stress may be impacting our work and focus
- Learn how to implement some new routines to build resilience and feel more in control
- Understand what our clients may be experiencing and how to support them Take care of yourself and your sales team during times of uncertainty