On December 31, 2024, the Canadian Professional Sales Association filed an assignment in bankruptcy. The Fuller Landau Group Inc. was named as Licensed Insolvency Trustee. As previously advised to you, member benefits will continue until December 31, 2025. Should you have any questions regarding the bankruptcy please email Natalie Phillips at nphillips@fullerllp.com.


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CPSA Webinar Recording: Can't Deliver Handling Supply Shortages & Maintaining Relationships

Supply shortages, and delivering bad news are two things that are never easy to navigate as a salesperson. It can feel like you're stuck between damaging your business relationship by telling a customer that you can't deliver or delivering no news at all. During this session, we'll walk through a simple process that'll help you to deliver tough news (silence is not an option!) while maintaining or even strengthening your business relationships. Communication is key to sales success!