On December 31, 2024, the Canadian Professional Sales Association filed an assignment in bankruptcy. The Fuller Landau Group Inc. was named as Licensed Insolvency Trustee. As previously advised to you, member benefits will continue until December 31, 2025. Should you have any questions regarding the bankruptcy please email Natalie Phillips at nphillips@fullerllp.com.


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Meeting In a Box: The Prospecting Rulebook, Week 1: What does Prospecting involve?

The CPSA defines the process of prospecting as 'gathering and synthesizing client and market intelligence, aligning strengths and weaknesses towards creating solutions, and developing, implementing and following an action plan based on strengths, weaknesses, competition and trends.’

This 4 week series will provide you with the insights, research, tactics, and practical exercises to help you improve how you channel your energy and decision making during the sales prospecting stages.

This first presentation will take you through some of the big issues related to prospecting in today’s digital age.